Eat Out in Taunton & Make New Friends!

A new MEETUP.COM group for people aged 55+. If you enjoy eating out in Taunton and would like to meet new people and make friends while enjoying a great meal, then why not join us? Organised entirely on-line so members must be computer-literate.
Simply login or register at, search for Taunton Eating Out Group, read the About section to see how we operate, look at the events currently on our calendar, and apply to join… We look forward to meeting you.

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Do you have Parkinson’s?

Do you have Parkinson’s? This group could help you.
We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. It is a lively group, some sufferers attend with a partner/carer, friend, or family member. A chat, refreshments (donation) and a raffle from donated prizes are regular features. We occasionally invite speakers or engage in fun activities. Look forward to welcoming any new members and continuing to see our regulars. It’s at the Catholic Church Hall, Burnham, TA8 1LL from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

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Table Tennis for the Third Age

If you are retired or semi retired but would still like to keep active, we may have your answer.  Highbridge u3a’s friendly Table Tennis Group are looking for new members. Players at all levels are welcome but some knowledge of the game would be helpful. We play every Thursday at Highbridge Community Hall, Market Street, Highbridge from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. We have three good quality tables, and bats and balls are provided.

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Burnham-on-Sea u3a

The Burnham u3a offers a variety of activities for people who are either retired, semi-retired or no longer in full time employment. The u3a have groups for anything from table tennis to French to philosophy to various craft groups or opportunities to just socialise. Come along to one of our Coffee Mornings (between 9:45am and 11:30am) on a Thursday morning at the Burnham Community Centre (5 Berrow Rd, near Burnham swimming pool) to get information or to join.

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Burnham-on-Sea Short Mat Bowls Club

Looking for a new fun social activity? Why not join our club for a friendly game of short mat bowls. Newcomers of all ages are welcomed, whether you are experienced or a beginner looking to try something different. We meet at St Andrews Church Hall, Mondays 6:45pm to 9:00pm and Fridays 9:45am to 12:00pm, all year round. Each session costs £4 including refreshments with a chinwag thrown in and your first three sessions will be free of charge.

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Free Clean Clothing

Rescued Recycled Reused hold a Free To Everyone Community Clothing morning. No money or vouchers needed. Anyone can use the Community Clothing  whatever your circumstances. All clothing is absolutely free,  just bring your own bag & take what you need.
We are in the Hall at the Methodist Church, College St, Burnham TA8 1AS every Wednesday morning from 10:00am. 
Come along and refresh your wardrobes,  kit out the family, everything is free.

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Play Kurling and socialise with others at the Princess Theatre

Indoor Kurling every Thursday 10:30am to 1:00pm at the Princess Theatre. Kurling is becoming one of the most popular activities of the week. Kurling is a great way to be active without working up a sweat (depending on how competitive you are!) and to socialise with others. Kurling can be played by all ages and all abilities. To participate will cost just £3 per person payable at the box office on arrival. No need to book, just turn up and play.

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Berrow and Brean Good Neighbours Community Hubs and Cafes

Join us weekly at our Community Hubs where we enjoy having a chat and delicious refreshments.
Berrow Hub – Tuesdays, Berrow Village Hall, 1:00pm – 3:00pm.
Brean Hub – Thursdays, Brean Village Hall, 1:00pm – 3:00pm.
Citizens Advice attend Berrow every 2nd Tuesday and Brean every 4th Thursday. Our Village Agent attends both hubs on the 3rd week of the month.
If you would like to meet new people to talk to in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, come and join us! There is no charge but you can make donations if you wish.

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